Half Bullnose- 57mm

€53,50 Inkl. MwSt.
Artikelnummer:: HB-001
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

Half Bullnose profile and backwall piece - 8 ft -243cm

To create a clean Cast in Place countertop

To use, place 12,5 mm cement fiber board (e.g. Knauf Aquapanel or similar) on top of the cabinets. The cement board should be cut flush to the edge of the cabinets and held in place with silicon or polymer caulking. The forms will then be screwed into the cement board with a 20mm panhead screw. After the concrete is poured, the forms are snapped off along the designated "break point" to reveal a beautiful clean edge.

You can reduce the weight and amount of concrete needed by filling up the non-structural parts with a dense XPS foam (e.g. Styrodur or Roofmate) and use a high performance GFRC mix.


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